Struggling to keep your classroom clean and tidy? These cleaning hacks for the classroom (free infographic included) can help!
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Cleaning Hacks for the Classroom – Infographic

There’s a lot to keep track of during the school year, from assignments to testing, to follow-up with parents and administrators. What sometimes becomes less of a focus is a clean classroom; there just aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up with the paper, dust, and general grime that students and adults track in every day. But a few simple tips and some cleaning hacks for the classroom can help keep a classroom as close to new as possible.

Struggling to keep your classroom clean and tidy? These cleaning hacks for the classroom (free infographic included) can help!

These Cleaning Hacks for the Classroom Can Help

For starters, involve students when you can and when it’s appropriate for them. They can wipe off certain things like door handles or gather math manipulatives into bags for washing. But other quick tips integrated into your routine quickly cut down on messes. Those include removing desk marks (hand sanitizer helps) as well as eliminating finger smudges on technology (try felt).

Need more cleaning hacks for the classroom? Below you’ll find a great graphic from It includes some cleaning hacks for the classroom that will help you scrub down and wipe clean pretty much everything in your classroom.

For example, I think the lint roller hack for picking up glitter is genius! I usually dread using glitter in the classroom. However, I might not so much now that I know to use a lint roller to quickly pick up the big mess.

Have you ever written on your whiteboard with a Sharpie by accident? I have! And I tried everything I could think of to remove it. Nothing worked. Who knew it was as simple as writing over the permanent marker with a dry erase marker and then erasing? I would have never thought of that!

Check out the graphics below for other cleaning hacks for the classroom and keep your classroom clean all year round.

Scrub down and wipe clean - Indispensable Classroom Cleaning Hacks

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What’s your favorite cleaning hack for the classroom? Share it in the comments section below.

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