Reasons Why We Love Mom – Infographic
Why We Love Mom – I’m sure you can think of a million reasons why you love her. But ever wonder what others had to say about why they love mom? Read on to find out what we love about our moms. Do you agree? Are these the reasons why you love her too?
Reasons Why We Love Mom
Did you know that 43.5 million moms in the United States are working moms? That’s 70% of all moms! Whether that’s during her 9-5 at the office, running countless errands, making it home in time to prepare dinner, and somehow having enough quality time to spend with her kids, being a is probably one of the hardest jobs there is. It’s clear to see that moms can’t just “clock out” for the day.
Clearly moms do so much for us and there are just so many reasons why we love mom!
Even though being a mom isn’t easy, it’s worth it to see your kids grow up and accomplish things you can be proud of. To remind moms how truly loved and highly valued they are, FTD surveyed 1017 people and asked them what they loved most about their moms. Top answers include selflessness, kindness, and resilience – all reasons why we love mom. The infographic below also shares fun celebrity quotes and interesting facts about moms in the US and in different parts around the world.
Check out all the reasons why we love mom below and then head out there and tell the mom in your life all the reasons why you love her! Show her lots of love this Mother’s Day and don’t forget to say THANK YOU for all that she does! 🙂
Thank you FTD for sharing this sweet Infographic 🙂
What are the reasons why you love mom? Go ahead, share them in the comments section below. 🙂
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